2nd Meeting
The second meeting of the Project Boards and Management Committee of the “Marine National Park Karaburun-Sazan”, “National Park ’Llogara’’, “Natural complex ‘Karaburun-Rreza e Kanalit-Orikum-Tragjas-Dukat’’, was organized in July 23, 2013, at the premises of UNDP CO in Tirana.
Objective of the meeting:
1. Informing the Board and Management Committee on the 6 months project activities, especially on the progress of the MoU implementations, accomplished expertise and consultancies, as well as other decision making issues
2. Selection of the official Logo of the MPA Karaburun-Sazan
3. Presentation of other projects/activities in the area
Starting the process of Management plans development for the MPA Karaburun-Sazan
Minutes-2nd meeting MCPB July 23 2013.docx
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