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Management Committee of MPA Karaburun-Sazani

1st Meeting of MC

Based on the order of the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration (MEFWA), No. 6088, Date August 16,2012, on setting up the Management Committee (MC) of the “Marine National Park Karaburun-Sazan”, “National Park ’Llogara’’, “Natural complex ‘Karaburun-Rreza and Kanalit-Orikum-Tragjas-Dukat’’, it was held on December 17, 2012, at the premises of ‘Paradise’’ hotel, the first meeting of the Management Committee with the objective of constituting the Management Committee. Under circumstances that the greatest parts of Project board members are also members of the Management committee, a joint meeting of both organisms was organized.

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2nd Meeting

The second meeting of the Project Boards and Management Committee of the “Marine National Park Karaburun-Sazan”, “National Park ’Llogara’’, “Natural complex ‘Karaburun-Rreza e Kanalit-Orikum-Tragjas-Dukat’’, was organized in July 23, 2013, at the premises of UNDP CO in Tirana. Objective of the meeting: 1. Informing the Board and Management Committee on the 6 months project activities, especially on the progress of the MoU implementations, accomplished expertise and consultancies, as well as other decision making issues 2. Selection of the official Logo of the MPA Karaburun-Sazan 3. Presentation of other projects/activities in the area Starting the process of Management plans development for the MPA Karaburun-Sazan

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3rd Management Committee

The third meeting of the Project Boards and Management Committee of the “Marine National Park Karaburun-Sazan”, “National Park ’Llogara’’, “Natural complex ‘Karaburun-Rreza e Kanalit-Orikum-Tragjas-Dukat’’, was organized in February 3rd, 2013, at the premises of the Ministry of Environment in Tirana. Objectives of the meeting: 1. Informing the Board and Management Committee on the 6 months project activities, especially on the progress of the MoU implementations, accomplished expertise and consultancies, as well as other issues 2. Presentation and approval of the working plan/activities for 2014

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4th Meeting of the Management Committee

The fourth meeting of the PB and MC of the “Marine National Park Karaburun-Sazan”, “National Park ’Llogara’’, “Natural complex ‘Karaburun-Rreza e Kanalit-Orikum-Tragjas-Dukat’’, was organized in June 13th, 2014, at the premises of the Municipality of Orikumi. Objectives of the meeting: 1. Informing the Board and Management Committee on the project progress, 2. Presentation of the progress of the management plan process for MPA and management plan for Sazani

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5th Meeting of Management Committee

The meeting objectives were: • Approval of the minutes of the fourth meeting of project board and management committee; • Approval of the Management plan for Karaburun Sazan area

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