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Project info


The main project outcomes relate to improved bio-geographical representation of marine and coastal protected areas (MCPA) and improved management arrangements for MCPAs, clarifying institutional settings and capacity building.

The immediate global biodiversity benefits include expanded protected coverage (by at least 13,000 ha) for unique marine, lagoon, wetland, and cape habitats hosting critically endangered, threatened and near-threatened species such as Loggerhead and Leatherback turtles, Mediterranean seal, Dalmatian pelican, threatened birds-of-prey and fish species, corals, sponges, sea-grasses and other important habitats and species.

The project is fully aligned with the priorities of the National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP), which put priority on establishing marine protected areas to conserve the unique marine biodiversity of Albania. The Albanian Government intends to double the PA surface and expand the MPA coverage, ensuring better bio-geographical representation, as well as higher management effectiveness, and diversification of revenue sources. Thus, project outcomes will feed into the MoEFWA policies aimed at the expansion and improvement of the network of MPAs.

The main project outputs will focus on Developing the Strategic Plan of MCPA (SPMCPA) including MCPA expansion scenario with a 10-year vision; Developing of a simple monitoring system for the MCPA to be applied in local level; particular support to the Karaburun–Sazani MPA administration and the other relevant local institution on the smooth monitoring system implementation resolving conflicts, contradictions and/or overlapping among national and local institutions; A guidance on the implementation and enforcement of the MPA expansion, covering issues such as: restrictions on construction along the coast, introduction / amendment of tourism loads indicators, ban on fires, regulation of livestock pastures in the coastal lagoons and wetlands etc; Development of a guide document on establishing financial mechanism for the MCPA; The project will further support the MPA in the Karaburuni-Sazani locality including developing of management and business plans, capacitating and equipping the management unit as well as support conservation facilities and infrastructure for it, conservation and monitoring activities; Creation of buffer zones for the existing coastal PAs and the new MPAs; Create and support the cross-sectoral forum on PA management with advisory function at the Ministry level, bringing together relevant sectors and institutions (e.g., fisheries, agriculture, tourism, physical planning), protected area site managers, NGOs, and representatives of the main user groups in and around Albania’s coastal and marine protected areas. The forum’s primary counterpart would be the General Directorate of Environmental Policy; A system-level MCPA management effectiveness assessment for all coastal and marine PAs (METT); Provide technical Extension Services under the roof of MoEFWA or the Forum providing guidance to site managers on cost-effective management and conservation approaches; Seminars, workshops and trainings to increase the capacities of the site managers (particularly on PA management and business planning, participatory PA Management Boards, MBD conservation measures and monitoring;

main partnerships include Ministry of Environment, Forestry, Water Administration, Protected Areas Administrations, Local Authorities, Organizations of Fishery Management (OFM), several local and national NGOs focused on MPA and MBD;

The project timefare captures the period 2011-2015,




tel.fax.: + 35542 257627;

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Protected Areas