EU Directive on Marine
This Directive should contribute to the fulfilment of the
obligations and important commitments of the
Community and the Member States under several
relevant international agreements relating to the
protection of the marine environment from pollution:
the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, approved by Council
Decision 94/157/EC (2), the Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the NorthEast Atlantic, approved by Council Decision
98/249/EC (3), including its new Annex V on the
Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystems and
Biological Diversity of the Maritime Area and the corresponding Appendix 3, approved by Council Decision
2000/340/EC (4), the Convention for the Protection of
the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the
Since programmes of measures executed under marine
strategies will be effective only if they are devised on
the basis of a sound knowledge of the state of the
marine environment in a particular area and are
tailored as closely as possible to the needs of the
waters concerned in the case of each Member State
and from the general perspective of the marine region
or subregion concerned, provision should be made for
the preparation at national level of an appropriate
framework, including marine research and monitoring
operations, for informed policymaking. This would include information on the phytoplankton and
zooplankton communities, including the species and seasonal and geographical variability,
— information on angiosperms, macro-algae and invertebrate bottom fauna, including
species composition, biomass and annual/seasonal variability,
— information on the structure of fish populations, including the abundance, distribution
and age/size structure of the populations,
— a description of the population dynamics, natural and actual range and status of species
of marine mammals and reptiles occurring in the marine region or subregion,
— a description of the population dynamics, natural and actual range and status of species
of seabirds occurring in the marine region or subregion,
— a description of the population dynamics, natural and actual range and status of other
species occurring in the marine region or subregion which are the subject of Community
legislation or international agreements,
— an inventory of the temporal occurrence, abundance and spatial distribution of nonindigenous, exotic species or, where relevant, genetically distinct forms of native species,
which are present in the marine region or subregion.
Marine Directive.pdf
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